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   Signpost GALLERY, THE 93rd



Gallery (3), The 93rd

- contains images relating to the 93rd Bombardment Group.

The following series of black-and-white photos shows planes, airfields, and targets.  I believe them to be related to the 93rd Bomb Group and Hardwick Airfield.  I have identifed the Manor House and Church in the village of Morningthorpe.

The quality of the originals is good but has been reduced to post them here.  If you want a higher-quality images or can help identify any of them, please contact the WebMaster.

See also on this site 'A Respite from the Camp', with more images.

Images coming soon.

Use your mouse on or over the pictures to stop, start, pause, view or enlarge.
If you have a smartphone or tablet, or the images do not load,
go directly to the PicasaWeb site to view them.

More pix and vids to come. In the meantime join our Facebook group.
93rd Bomb Group Museum photos on 
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93rd Bombardment Group Museum, Station 104, Hardwick, Norfolk, UK.

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