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Whatever the weather ...

"Whether the weather be hot, or whether the weather be cold, whatever the weather be, whenever the whether be, whether we like it or not!"

On OPEN DAYS there is usually a small selection of stalls and activities around and within The Museum.  By far the largest is 'Hardwick Warbirds' Flying Day.   The Warbirds have a grass airstrip adjacent to The Museum at Airfield Farm, where there are also more USAAF buildings, including the HQ.

Stalls include, (listed in no particular order).

Click on an image to enlarge. Use your browser's BACK button to return here.


West Norfolk IPMS Scale Model Club
(IPMS – International Plastic Model Society).

You can find out more about their activities here www.westnorfolkipms.co.uk.

L–R, Singe, Colin, Alan, Tug, Nigel and Mick,
all from the Kings Lynn area.  There are no doubt others ...

Model Crew





Stall West Norfolk Models


Meco Militaria

20th century military collectibles run by Lee from Chelmsford, UK.  Specialist in WWII flight clothing and equipment.  Aircraft wreckology and home front items.

Stall Meco Militaria





Stall Meco Militaria


TopSail Book

Aviation and Maritime Books Bought and Sold. Des is based in Norwich, UK.

Stall TopSail Books




Stall TopSail Books


Blitz and Pieces

Bespoke framers, military art specialist. Make your walls a picture by Tom, who is based in Norfolk, UK.  Tom says: "I specialise in aviation and military art and also emphemera (paper items) from WW1 & WW2 and buy any paper items from 1900 - 1949."

Stall Blitz & Pieces





Stall Blitz and Pieces

Military Vehicles (July 2013 Open Day)
Click on an image to enlarge. Use your browser's BACK button to return here.


Vehicle 1


Vehicle 2


Vehicle 3
A restored but not
over-renovated Base Camp
Jeep.  Left as a workhorse.
Owner: ?


Vehicle 4
A Cheverolet CMP (Canadian Military Patrol) C8AHUW
(Heavy Utility Wireless) 1943,
Marked [81].
Owner: Jerry Hill.


If the owners can tell me more about these vehicles, I would be pleased to add the details here.



The 93rd Bomb Groups Museum has no direct business connection with any of the above societies or businesses apart from allowing them to operate at The Museum on Open Days. 

Any dealings between you and them do not involve The Museum, and The Museum bears no responsibility for any transaction.



The business cards, above right are images NOT clickable links.

To contact the business you'll need type or dial the number or link yourself.

This has been done to help protect the businesses from spammers.



If you found us by mistake, please stay and enjoy, then bookmark our url.

93rd Bombardment Group Museum, Station 104, Hardwick, Norfolk, UK.

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